Figure 5: Part of Tagged Sample Page from Palsgrave,
Table of Verbs

<page.break n= sig=QQQ5r fol=281r>
<line.break> <rt> The table of Verbes. </rt> <fo> Fo.CC.lxxxi. </fo> <col l>
<line.break> <phr no="2"> This breed is nat well <hl> leuened </hl>: </phr> <t no="2"> Ce
<line.break> payn nest pas bien fermenté. </t>

<line.break> <phr no="1"> <hl> It Leueneth </hl> as the lyghtenyng
<line.break> dothe/ </phr> <t no="1"> Il esclere, il a esclere, esclerer. </t>
<line.break> <pos> <f l=LA> verb <expan type=contraction orig=&umacr;>um </expan> imparsonale. <f l=EN> </pos> <phr no="2"> Dyd you nat se
<line.break> it leuen right nowe: </phr> <t no="2"> Ne le vistez vo<expan type=contraction orig=&us;>us</expan>
<line.break> pas esclerer mayntenant. </t>

<line.break> &cap; <alpha> L/ byfore I. </alpha>

<line.break> <phr no="1"> <hl> I Lycke </hl> a swete thynge/ as I
<line.break> lycke my lypp<expan type=contraction orig=&es;>es</expan> or fyngers af&shy;
<line.break> ter swete meate/ </phr> <t no="1"> Ie leche. </t> <pos> <f l=LA> prime c<expan type=contraction orig=&omacr;>on</expan>iu. <f l=EN> </pos>
<line.break> <phr no="2"> If you fall a lyckynge of your fyn&shy;
<line.break> gers at the borde lycke my fyngers
<line.break> to: </phr> <t no="2"> Si vous vous mettez a lecher voz
<line.break> doytz a la table lechez mes doytz aussi </t>

<line.break> <phr no="1"> <hl> I Lycence </hl> I gyue leaue to one/
<line.break> </phr> <t no="1"> Ie licencie. </t> <pos> <f l=LA> prime c<expan type=contraction orig=&omacr;>on</expan>iuga. <f l=EN> </pos> & <t no="1.1"> ie baille
<line.break> c<expan type=contraction orig=&omacr;>on</expan>gie. </t> <phr no="2"> If you wyll lyc<expan type=contraction orig=&emacr;>en</expan>ce me I wyll
<line.break> go se hym and visyte hym: </phr> <t no="2"> Se vous
<line.break> me voulez licencier, </t> or <t no="2.1"> me bailler c<expan type=contraction orig=&omacr;>on</expan>&shy;
<line.break> gie ie iray veoyr et visiter. </t>

<line.break> <phr no="1"> <hl> I Lye </hl> a bedde/ </phr> <t no="1"> Ie me tiens au lict. </t>
<line.break> <phr no="2"> Aryse man thou lyest a beed al day:
<line.break> </phr> <t no="2"> Lieue toy tu te ti<expan type=contraction orig=&emacr;>en</expan>s au lict toute iour. </t>

<line.break> <phr no="1"> <hl> I Lye </hl> me to slepe/ </phr> <t no=1> Ie me mets a
<line.break> dormir. </t> <phr no="2"> I wyll lay my childe a slepe
<line.break> and come to you: </phr> <t no="2"> Ie metteray a dor&shy;
<line.break> mir mon enfant et viendray a vous. </t>

<line.break> <phr no="1"> <hl> I Lye </hl> as a corps lyeth <expan type=contraction orig=&imacr;>in</expan> his graue
<line.break> or as one lyeth a longe vpon <expan type=contraction orig=&the;>the </expan> gro<expan type=contraction orig=&umacr;>un</expan>&shy; <var> <rdg> gro<expan type=contraction orig=&umacr;>un</expan><wit> 1530 </rdg></var>
<line.break> de/ or as any other thyng lyeth flat
<line.break> on the grounde/ </phr> <t no="1"> Ie gis, il gist, nous
<line.break> gis<expan type=contraction orig=&omacr;>on</expan>s, ie geus, iay geu, ie gerray, que
<line.break> ie gisse, que ie gisisse, gesir. </t> <pos> <f l=LA> tercie c<expan type=contraction orig=&omacr;>on</expan>iu. <f l=EN> </pos>