[CHWP Titles]

An Early Modern English Dictionaries Corpus 1499-1659

Ian Lancashire

University of Toronto


CHWP B.17, publ. September 1996. © Editors of CHWP 1996. [First published in CCH Working Papers, 4 (1994) and Dictionnairique et lexicographie, 3 (1995).]

[Abstract / Résumé]

Early Modern English dictionaries, Palsgrave, Elyot, Thomas, Florio, Cotgrave, Cawdrey, Blount, definition, meaning, interpretation, equivalence, etymology, denotation

[Editors' note: Diacritics marking the vowel length of Latin words, present in the print version of this article but redundant for word identity, have been omitted here as they cannot be represented by HTML markup.]