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Barbara Bond: CHC 2003, CaSTA 02-03.
Barbara Bond is a graduate student in the Department of English at the University of Victoria. Her particular research focus is English Renaissance literature and Humanities Computing, studying the electronic representation of early modern scribal culture and practice, although she has written on subjects as various as the similarity of Mannerism and postmodernism, The Aeneid, and H. G. Wells. [August 2005]
Michael Best: CaSTA 02-03, A.6, A.29.
Michael Best is professor emeritus at the University of Victoria. He is the founder and co-ordinating editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions. His research interests focus on Shakespeare and the electronic medium in both theoretical and applied forms. [August 2005]
Allison Benner is a PhD candidate in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on the timing of hand gestures and intonation in spontaneous narratives. Her other research interests include speech and gesture development in infancy, and the relationship between syntax and prosody in Salish and Athapaskan languages. [August 2005]
Lisa D. Bettany has her Master's degree in Linguistics from the University of Victoria. In her thesis, she explored the productive mechanisms involved in early infant speech development. Currently, she is a collaborating researcher in the development of an interactive web-based XML database and analysis network of early infant data under the direction of John H. Esling at the University of Victoria. [August 2005]
John Bonnett is a Research Officer with the National Research Council of Canada. A historian by training, he recently completed a PhD thesis devoted to the writings of Harold Adams Innis, the communication theorist and colleague of Marshall McLuhan. He is also the principal developer of the 3D Historical Cities Project, an initiative designed to enable students to generate replicas of historic Canadian settlements using 3D modelling software. The project was also designed to enhance student critical thinking skills through the process of model construction. [August 2005]
Tanya Clement is an English PhD candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her focus of study is textual and digital studies as it pertains to applied humanities computing and modernist American literature. At the University of Maryland, she has been a Program Associate at the Maryland Institute for Technologies in the Humanities (MITH) and project manager for the Dickinson Electronic Archives (http://www.emilydickinson.org), and a graduate assistant in the Office of Digital Collections and Research. [July 2008]
Claire Carlin is Associate Professor of French and Associate Dean of Humanities at the University of Victoria. Her publications include two books on the theatre of seventeenth-century French playwright Pierre Corneille and numerous articles on the early modern marriage texts described in the present article. She is also the editor of Le mariage sous l'Ancien Régime (Dalhousie French Studies, vol. 51, 2001) and Imagining Contagion in Early Modern Europe (forthcoming, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005). [August 2005]
Richard Cunningham: A.45, A.47.
Richard Cunningham is an Associate Professor in the English Department at Acadia University (http://plato.acadiau.ca/courses/engl/rcunningham/RDC.html) and Director of ADCO, Acadia's Digital Culture Observatory (http://ace.acadiau.ca/adco/). His areas of specialization include sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English poetry and prose, the History of the Book, Humanities Computing, and Rhetoric. [April 2009]
Paul Dyck is Associate Professor of English at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg. He has published articles on George Herbert and on Little Gidding, often with a focus on book history. He teaches, among other things, courses titled The History of the Book and The Digital Word. [July 2008]
Diane Dubrule is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Carleton University. She is a specialist in medieval philosophy, with degrees in Philosophy from Cornell and Toronto and a Bachelor of Computer Science from Carleton. She has been teaching with technology since the early 1990s and now teaches three courses entirely on the www. [August 2005]
John H. Esling is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Victoria, former Secretary of the International Phonetic Association (1995-2003), member of the IPA Council and of the Permanent Council for the Organization of ICPhS, and currently Editor of the Journal of the International Phonetic Association. He has a PhD in Phonetics from the University of Edinburgh. His research is in auditory and articulatory phonetics, particularly the description of voice quality, of vocal register, and of the phonetic production of laryngeal and pharyngeal sounds. He is director of the Phonetics Laboratory at the University of Victoria and of the Infant Speech Acquisition Project, whose goal is to establish how infants first acquire the modality of phonetic production. [August 2005]
Patrick Finn is Assistant Professor of English at St. Mary's College, Calgary specializing in editorial theory, information technology, and the shifting nature of media and communication during incunabular periods. His current projects include an essay collection, Shakespeare and Information Technology, a critical analysis entitled The Culture of Politics, The Politics of Culture (with Samuel A. Chambers), the monograph Pre-Codex to Post-Code: Textual Transmission in the Second Incunabulum and an electronic, critical edition of Shakespeare's Q1 Hamlet for the Internet Shakespeare Editions. [September 2003]
Carlos Fiorentino is an instructor in the Visual Communication Design Program in the Department of Art and Design at the University of Alberta and design consultant in Pix Design, Argentina. [July 2008]
After completing a Masters degree in philosophy about the application of computer technologies to thematical analysis of philosophical texts, Dominic Forest is now a doctorate candidate in the cognitive computer science program at the Université du Québec à Montréal. Since 1996, he is also a researcher at the Laboratoire d’Analyse Cognitive de l’Information (LANCI). His research interests mainly concern computer-assisted reading and analysis of texts, analysis of textual data, text mining and the impacts and the application of computer technologies to knowledge management. [August 2005]
Paul A. Fortier has degrees from the Universities of Toronto, Strasbourg, and Wisconsin (Madison). A specialist in the French novel of the 20th century, he has published books on Camus, Céline. Gide and Robbe-Grillet, as well as articles in various learned journals such as PMLA, French Review, and L'Esprit Créateur. Interested in the application of computers to the study of literature, he has developed several software systems, and published in Computers and the Humanities and in Literary and Linguistic Computing. His present research is being supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and by the Alzheimer Society of Canada. His current appointment is University Distinguished Professor of French at the University of Manitoba. [August 2005]
Susan Gibson is an associate professor in the Department of Elementary Education of the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. Dr. Gibson's research interests include constructivist uses of technology to enrich students' learning, teacher professional development and technology, and the role of technology in teacher education. She has just completed a three-year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) supported study of Internet use into Canada's schools [April 2009]
Carolyn Guertin is Director of the eCreate Lab and Assistant Professor of Digital Media in the Department of English at the University of Texas at Arlington. She has exhibited and published internationally, and does theoretical work in: cyberfeminism, hacktivism, born-digital arts and literatures, information aesthetics, cultural studies, postliteracy and the social practices surrounding technology (especially social networking and participatory culture). She is working on a new book called Connective Tissue: Queer Bodies, Postdramatic Performance and New Media Aesthetics. [April 2009]
Marie-Odile Junker is a Professor in the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at the University of Carleton. Her interests lie in theoretical and general linguistics, cognitive semantics, language documentation and description, French and aboriginal languages (Cree), women and language, and information technology applied to language teaching and preservation. See her web siteurl for recent publications and research. [April 2009]
Peter Liddell is Professor of German and Academic Director of the Humanities Computing and Media Centre (former Language Centre) at the University of Victoria. HCMC is the westernmost node of TAPoR, and hosted the 2nd CASTA conference in 2003 and the 2005 ACH/ALLC conference. [August 2005]
Yin Liu is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Saskatchewan. Her main area of research is the Middle English romances, but she also has interests in humanities computing and historical linguistics. [July 2008]
Ian Lancashire: A.23, B.12, B.17, B.30.
Ian Lancashire is Professor of English at the University of Toronto. Beyond the print publications in the fields of humanities computing and Renaissance literature and lexicology, he has edited a number of free educational resources on the World Wide Web: Representative Poetry On-lineurl (1994-), the Early Modern English Dictionaries Databaseurl (1996-99), Canadian Poetryurl (1996-), Renaissance Electronic Textsurl (1996-), and the University of Toronto English Libraryurl (1997-). He teaches poetry, computer applications, science fiction and fantasy, and Shakespeare at New College. [August 2005]
Radu Luchian is an independent computer services consultant who has developed a wide range of applications (see his siteurl for more information on his projects). He is presently on paternal leave from his PhD programme in Cognitive Science at Carleton University. [April 2009]
José Luis Madrigal is Associate Professor of Spanish at the City University of New York (CUNY). His research interests lie in text editing and attribution studies, focusing mainly on Spanish Golden Age. He has published in recent years extensive articles on the anonymous picaresque novel Lazarillo de Tormes, as well as on several Miguel de Cervantes's attributed works. See onlineurl for further research and online publications. [March 2008]
Willard McCarty: CHWP (editor), A.24, A.25, B.3.
Willard McCarty is Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London. He is the founding editor of the online seminar Humanist, co-editor of CH Working Papers, and sits on various editorial boards, most recently of the journal Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (Institute of Materials, London). His research interests lie in two overlapping areas: Ovidian studies, particularly the Metamorphoses, and humanities computing. These come together in problems of meta-textual representation that arise from work on the forthcoming Analytical Onomasticon to the Metamorphoses of Ovid, for which see the online Onomasticon Samplerurl. During the 2003-4 academic year he is writing a book on humanities computing, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan. [August 2005]
Murray McGillivray teaches Old and Middle English language and literature at the University of Calgary. He is the editor of the CD-ROM Geoffrey Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: A Hypertext Edition (1997), creator of an online course in the Old English language, and leader of the Cotton Nero A.x. Project. [August 2005]
Jean-Guy Meunier is a professor at the department of philosophy of the Université du Québec à Montréal. He is also director of the Laboratoire d'ANalyse Cognitive de l'Information (LANCI). His main research area is Computer-Assisted Reading and Analysis of Text (CARAT) (since 1968). He has also published papers in the areas of philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, semiotics, theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence and cognitive Sciences. [August 2005]
Piotr Michura is a lecturer in the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland. He is also a PhD candidate in the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading. His research interests are in the area of visual communication design, focusing mainly on issues of typography in the context of text visualization. [July 2008]
Martin Mueller is Professor of English and Classics at Northwestern University. He is the author of Children of Oedipus and other essays on the imitation of Greek tragedy, 1550-1800, a book on the Iliad, and of the Chicago Homer, a multilingual website designed to make distinctive features of Early Greek epic accessible to readers with and without Greek. [August 2005]
Brent Nelson is an associate professor of English at the University of Saskatchewan where he teaches seventeenth-century literature. His current research includes the intellectual origins of the database and the culture of curiosity in early modern England. [July 2008]
Chris Petter is Special Collections librarian at the University of Victoria Libraries in Victoria B.C., where he is involved in a number of digitization initiatives. [August 2005]
Daniel Poulin is computer scientist and law professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Montreal. He is member of the Computer and Law Team at the Research Centre in Public Law since its beginning in 1987. The research interests of professor Poulin are at the meeting point of law and computer sciences. Professor Poulin is member of the board of Association pour le développement de l'informatique juridique (AQIJ)and member of the Judges Computer Advisory Committee of Canadian Judicial Counsel (CJC). [August 2005]
Milena Radzikowska is an Instructor of Electronic Publishing in the Centre for Communication Studies at Mount Royal College. [July 2008]
Stan Ruecker is an Assistant Professor in the Humanities Computing Program in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta. His current research interests are in the areas of computer-human interfaces, text visualization, and information design. [July 2008]
Linda Roberts holds an M.A. in English Literature from the University of Victoria (2001). She has been supervising the editing and mark-up for the electronic edition of the Graves Diary Project which received SSHRC funding in May of 2004. [August 2005]
Jennifer Roberts-Smith is a PhD student in the English Department at the University of Toronto. She is currently continuing her research into metrical vocabulary in Early Modern English as part of her thesis project, which examines syllable duration in the metre of Shakespeare's dramatic verse. She also works as a professional actor and director in Canadian theatres and has taught English-Canadian Theatre History at the University of Ottawa. Her next directing project will be Howard Barker's The Europeans at Dalhousie University's Theatre Department in February 2004. [August 2005]
Dr. Geoffrey Martin Rockwell is an Associate Professor of Humanities Computing and Multimedia in the School of the Arts. He received a B.A. in philosophy from Haverford College, an M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Toronto and worked at the University of Toronto as a Senior Instructional Technology Specialist. He has published and presented papers in the area of philosophical dialogue, textual visualization and analysis, humanities computing, instructional technology, computer games and multimedia. With colleagues at McMaster University he set up an undergraduate Multimedia programme. He is currently the project leader for the CFI (Canada Foundation for Innovation) funded project TAPoR, a Text Analysis Portal for Research, which is developing a text tool portal for researchers who work with electronic texts. He has recently published a book Defining Dialogue: From Socrates to the Internet with Humanity Books. [August 2005]
Spencer Rose: A.31, A.35.
Spencer Rose is an MA graduate student in philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. His main area of interest is the history of philosophy, with a research focus in early modern rationalism. As an undergraduate student, Spencer has been a part of numerous Humanities Computing projects at the University of Victoria. [August 2005]
Susy C. Santos has her Master's degree from the University of Manitoba and has held research contract positions in various aspects of mental health, women's health issues and elders' health issues in addition to family and partner abuse. Currently, her present research is on Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia under the direction of Dr. Fortier. Ms. Santos is also interested in the enormous advances in information technologies, and corresponding growth in the use of IT resources for research. [August 2005]
Ray Siemens: SD&CT I, TH-HT, SD&CT II, CaSTA 02-03, A.1, A.37, A.51, B.11, B.33.
Ray Siemens is Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing and Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria. Formerly he was University-College Professor of English at Malaspina University-College and Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities at King's College London. Founding editor of the electronic scholarly journal Early Modern Literary Studies, he is also author of several articles chiefly focusing on areas where literary studies and computational methods intersect, is editor of several Renaissance texts, and is co-editor of several book collections on humanities computing topics, among them the forthcoming Blackwell Companion to Digital Humanities (with Susan Schreibman and John Unsworth). [April 2009]
Don Sinclair is Professor of Digital Media at York University and Coordinator of the Fine Arts Cultural Studies Program. His interests and creative research encompass physical computing, wearable computing, interactive sound art, laptop performance, web art, database art, interactive dance, video projection, cycling art, sustainability, green architecture and choral singing. [April 2009]
Stéfan Sinclair is an Assistant Professor of Multimedia in School of the Arts. His areas of interest include 20th Century French literature (especially Oulipo), computer-assisted text-analysis, literary databases and educational technologies. He is the creator of online Humanities Computing tools such as HyperPo: Text Analysis and Exploration Toolsurl and SAToRBaseurl. His Ph.D. in French Literature is from Queen's University (2000), his M.A. in French literature is from the University of Victoria (1995), and his honours B.A. in French is from the University of British Columbia (1994). [August 2005]
Jeff Smith is a PhD candidate in the Computer Science Department at the University of Saskatchewan. After an extensive career in multimedia software systems development, Jeff is parlaying that experience into an academic career focusing on issues pertaining to the confluence of the arts, technology and human creativity. [July 2008]
Peter Stoicheff is Associate Dean, Humanities & Fine Arts, in the College of Arts & Science at the University of Saskatchewan. [July 2008].
Maximiliaan Van Woudenberg: CHC 2004.
Maximilaan van Woudenberg is Professor of Communications at the Sheridan Institute of Technology in Oakville, Canada, where he teaches Literature and Digital Storytelling. His research interest focus on Romantic Literature, Media History, Digital Humanities, and Digital Video. [April 2009]
Stuart Williams is a computer programmer with Investors Group and former Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Canadian Mennonite University. [July 2008]
William Winder: CHWP (editor), SD&CT I, TH-HT, SD&CT II, CHC 2003, A.3, B.35, F.2.
William Winder is Assistant Professor of French at the University of British Columbia's French, Hispanic and Italian Studies Department. He is on the board of directors of the Consortium for Computers in the Humanitiesurl and the editorial board of TEXT Technologyurl and he co-edits Computing in the Humanities Working Papersurl. His interests lie in computational and formalist approaches to the semantics of language and literature. See his web siteurl for recent publications and research. [August 2005]
Russon Wooldridge : CHWP (founding editor), A.10, A.13, A.39, B.4, B.8, B.9, B.22, E.1.
Russon Wooldridge is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Toronto. He has created and manages several online research sites, including Le Net des Études françaisesurl, Langue du XIXe siècleurl, Lexicologie du français de la Renaissanceurl, and Métalexicographie et dictionnairiqueurl. Research details and online publications can be found at his web siteurl. [August 2005]